dip dana dip dipdanadip "dana cohen"
congrats! you've found the secret text. email me for a prize: danabcohen (at) gmail.com
My last cast days coincided with the height of the holiday party season. Merry Castmas!


                                        cast update:  real and imagined

at least somethin good came out of this            Timmy Lincecast artwork by Willa Koerner

yeah, that looks about right                                                                                                      cast idea submitted by Tom Buchele

spotted inside a MUNI elevator.  begs the question, "and then what?"

a yellow P is the universal symbol for peeing?  who knew?!
                                             true story





                                            related: http://dipdanadip.blogspot.com/2010/04/blog-post_7756.html


                                                          photo by Janice G.

                                            the choice is always yours!
